Artist #27 - Laura Generaux

Products: antiques, spoon bracelets and earrings, magnetic wine glass charms, magnetic memo boards, Christmas cards, chenille scarves, picture frames

Hi-I'm Laura Generaux and I live in the beautiful hills of the Fern Prairie area with my husband of 12 years, Dave. We garden, have chickens and two koi ponds.  This will be my first year of raising pond plants and koi that I will sell this next spring as we are currently building a greenhouse. This will also be my first year at Crafts Unlimited!

I started crafting at a very young age as my mother, grandmothers and aunts were all crafters.  I learned to knit, crochete and embroider. One of my fondest memories is of going to my great aunt Betty's house at Christmas time to make home made Christmas cards.  She always had lots of cool things to use including the basics of glitter, stencils and markers! I have turned that love of making Christmas cards into re-using vintage cards and post cards to make new.  Each card is made with much love, as I think of her often, as I'm creating them.

I love to re-purpose and re-use to create beautiful and useful items for decorating both home and self.  I tell people that I haven't met an "old thing" that I didn't like or couldn't find a new use for! Some of the things I use are beautiful old silver plated silverware to create new earrings and bracelets.  I take old chenille bedspreads that are so soft and warm and create scarves. Vintage picture frames and earrings become magnetic memo boards and wine glass charms. Old jewelry decorates picture frames. I am truly blessed in my life and so happy to be in the Crafts Unlimited Bazaar!


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