I got this fountain a couple of years ago. It is made of three pieces, base, bowl, and crown. Since I didn’t want an electrical cord running across the terrace, I repurposed it into a beautiful planter.
The original color was limestone. It was spray painted with faux stone paint; (not by me lol) which was made for indoor use. It didn’t fair well and was peeling badly and by this spring it looked just awful.

I wanted to try to restore it to the original limestone color but that didn’t work out. So I gave it a good base using Krylon’s Indoor Outdoor primer in white and finished it with a coat of Rust-oleum spray paint in almond. I did one coat of the primer and two coats of the finish.

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I let them completely dry in between coats. The almond color was the closest I could find to limestone. My hope is that it will age well.


I gave this adorable little girl a makeover at the same time I did the fountain

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I just recently got this freebie. She’s in bad shape as well. Soon she’ll look as fresh and pretty as her sister.



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