
Showing posts from November, 2014

2014 Show

Thank you to all our wonderful customers for an outstanding sale!  We love our faithful return customers, and appreciate all our new customers too!  Look for our members at other shows throughout the Portland/Vancouver area over this holiday season, and we'll see you again back at St. Luke's for the best holiday boutique on November 6 and 7, 2015! Merry Christmas!

2014 Preview

Here is a little preview of some things our artists have been up to this year..... Laura Generaux's vintage upcycled jewelry is so unique -    Some new things from Vicki Mucha -  Gorgeous items from our Tatter, Middy Clark -     Frosty Snowgirls and penguin painted gourds by Laurie Johnson - Lovely scented sachets by Nancy Watson - Cool terrariums made by new artist Christine Ciesluk - See you in five days!